Earlier this year, UTA launched our 2030 Strategic Plan, which consists of five priorities. Throughout the year, we’ll be diving deeper into each of the priorities and highlighting ways we plan to meet our goals.

Today we’re sharing our priority of Exceeding Customer Expectations.

What does this mean?

UTA puts its customers first by providing an easy, enjoyable, and accessible transit experience where customers feel engaged, safe, and cared about.

How will we know we’ve achieved it?

We use a Net Promoter Score to measure success with this priority. This is a commonly used metric that aims to quantify overall how many people would recommend your company. It asks, “How likely are you to recommend UTA to friends and family?” Some people will be detractors, some will be neutral, and some will be promoters. The “net” is calculated by taking the promoters and subtracting the detractors. As of April 2022, TRAX had a score of 26% and bus had a score of 15%.

We’re also paying attention to safety. We’re paying extra close attention to riders' responses to the statement “I feel safe and secure on the vehicle.” Last year, 77% responded Strongly Agree and Agree for TRAX and 63% for bus.

How you can help?

  • Take our Customer Satisfaction Survey

    Every April since 2013, we’ve been conducting a rider survey in partnership with transit providers across the country. This survey has allowed us to benchmark our performance over time and against similar peers.

    We are conducting our Customer Satisfaction Survey right now through April 30. What’s notable about this year is that, in an effort to Exceed Customer Expectations, we are including FrontRunner in order to acquire an NPS score and other feedback for our commuter rail service.

    Learn more about the Customer Satisfaction Survey and take it for each mode (bus, TRAX, and FrontRunner) at rideuta.com/survey.

  • Learn more

    All five priorities are listed at rideuta.com/strategicplan. This is a great resource to familiarize yourself with. And if you haven’t seen it yet, take a couple of minutes to watch our Strategic video where Utah leaders and key community members provide an overview of UTA’s 2030 Strategic Plan.

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