UTA Wins

UTA introduced the Workforce Innovations (WINS) program to capture employee ideas. This program is at the heart of UTA’s commitment to empower every team member and foster an environment where every voice is heard.

Since WINS started in 2023, 61 employee ideas have been submitted and over 50% are completed or in progress. Ideas range from time savings to cost savings and are all employee led. They can benefit customers, employees, departments, and communities. Ideas can impact the entire system, one area or task, or even one employee.

One remarkable employee-led project by the Radio and Rail Communication Team recently set a new standard for adaptive problem-solving. To help a TRAX operator return to work after a tracheotomy, the team adapted the PA system so that the operator could make announcements using a foot pedal instead of a hand radio. This allows the operator to use their speaking valve while safely operating the train. By submitting this innovation as a WINS project, this operator’s team members reinforced UTA's commitment to help everyone succeed in their role.

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